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red headed white woman in a leather jacket standing with a desert background for Lauren Dane's Urban Fantasy novel, BAD BLOOD

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Rowan Summerwaite is many things. She knows how to land a punch but has learned there’s more than one way to solve a problem. She was once a loner, but the family she’s made over the years—including her husband, …

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Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
FYI – Goddess With A Blade book 8 – BLOOD AND MAGIC is releasing September 26 and Barnes and Noble is having a pre order sale! (…/blood…/1144376689…) Attention all bookworms! Your TBR list is about to level up… Read More »

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Couple embracing against a blue background. Edgy font reads the book title: RECKLESS
Book cover for UNDERCOVER by Lauren Dane
Land's End by Lauren Dane cover image; an embracing couple about to kiss.